Saturday, December 16, 2006
LOL, see this picture here, lets see |>.>|<.<|O.O|o.o|, if u feel lyk laughing, juz laugh out loud LOLOL! ,this picture were taken in a cosplay today in singapore's Expo exibition hall if i got it right.LOL, for all he haruhi fan, dun be spoiled by ur impression of haruhi by this couple of O.O girl, but i felt they would looked better if juz they LOSE MORE WEIGHT and MORE WEIGHT TO LOSE, the costume would look nicer, some make up and wala!, if u dun cant do so, why dun try something else.
Get the full picture of the event here okay?[On DarkMirage-Kun's Blog]
Okok i noe, if u in same class as my in 2b, u will find out both of them look like one of us, A fat version of Sharlene and Skinnier version of Joey. haha, no offence=X. Its organized by Singapore Nanyang Poly's Comic Design Party And Cam tech, it was sad i didnt attended it cause it was the last minute i knew about this =(, i didnt hav any cosplay costume so it didnt matters, thos Nanyang Poly's student came up so cute little card game which u need to pay for the 'oinks'(currency in TKG card game) to play it.
TKG cards arena logo
The TKG Cards
Wish it had been on my bag.
KkeWww!!! ><