Death Note 2 was way hell suxxor.
And i understand something of L,
He was working close wif the director to get rid of Light.
L is the real god now, he died after kira did.
L peek at the story line of the movie and light was hopless.
Everything was crazy, light not cute, L turned god-liked,
Light were very upset because the director hated him,
The director force Ryuzaki to kill light, Light's
all in one instant noodle girlfriend suddenly when
forgetful that she does not noe she was a girl ornot.
Nah, Vivo city didnt turn out to be nice, its hell out
tons of shop of fast food and clothes shop, even shop
that sells only chairs, that shop tent to be selling humans
on display because none of them had hardly anything to
do to stand lyk a displayed product in the shop. Hell, only
1 arcade, Its E-zone alright, well, the time crisis II there was
way spoiled, wasted 2 dollars on it. Not even one lan shop is
at vivo, arcade wasnt as much as i though. Only managed
to found one comic shop beside E-zone called "Tian Di"
Heaven and Earth, or rather, skyground, did not when
in to get a closer look but i remembered they've got 2
anime statue of a 3years old child height of astroboy,
glance outside the glass was 2 bleach figuring hand-
sized height and selling nitendo duel-screen and
Ipod-nano, spend 5.50 bucks on mocha on starbucks.
I did my maths when i got home.
My house ~ Vivo city
MRT - 1hrs 25mins - 1h 35mins
Taxi - 13mins - 14mins
See the difference?
SMRT 50cents
(Tampinese ~ Habourfront) Total: $0.95
Basic: $2.50
Tax: $5.50
Time X fee: $11.85 Total: $19.85
But consider this, its a whole hell difference
in price, Taxi is 20times more ex den MRT.